
Friday, May 27, 2011


KO enjoyed this piece because of its "sporadically organized line" :)
The Beatmaster is still trying to figure it out...

We start off by saying The Wonderful Gina "Unda" Ground is one of our favorite humans on the Earth. She runs Recycled Stylez Vintage Clothing, she's a nasty Hula Hooper, and she obviously now going to be noted for her skills and an artiste'. FOLKS!!!! She  submitted a few pieces for the Backseat Boykie Blog Art Week, and we are very thankful for these pieces. G.U.G you rawk, like raw and rock together...rawk!

Definition Time!!! 
KOLassel Burger- (N). It is a cheddar cheeseburger, with bacon, lettuce, onion, tomato, and pickle. TOPPED with a lucious, zingertastic fried egg only @ Dave's Food Mart. We believe it to be true that they run around 3 to 4 dollars... in KO's words "they cost some sorts of money sometimes...just ask for a K.O. Lassel Burger...chances it'll be great and fantasmic!!!"

KO- "Comfort and Satisfaction"
Beatmaster- "she's nice..."

KO- "Great shading..."
Beatmaster- "She's nice..."

Above. Picture of Grrr...... 
KO- "That's Haley" 
Beatmaster- "I know that girl" 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Dave Ruddock- Reynolds, OH. (Dear Friend and Brilliant Photographer)

In honor of some musicians that I hold in very high esteem, I'm sending an addition for Art Week for The BackSeat Boykie Blog. It's a shot of Ramsey Lewis in concert. You will have to take my word on that. It's a tight shot of the motion of his finger roll. I was shooting the concert for a company and had done the "obligatory shots" of Ramsey at the piano playing so before I left the front stage position I shot one for me. I wanted his hands - TIGHT. I had watched his fluid "finger roll, as I call it and I wanted to capture that as the representation of him as a musician. It was a b**ch! 1/4 second exposure to get most of the motion while hand holding a 300mm lens. Anyhow, in celebration of the magic of music and the musicians that make it happen I give you the shot of Ramsey Lewis. I call it ...

"The Moment Before the Concert Began"... -Dave Ruddock

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Haley Heyman "Self-Portrait"

This is our favorite piece from Grr...she showed the BB's how all the points connected and basically how the paint made up her existence on the canvas. Pretty Cool... Thanks Grrtrude

Monday, May 16, 2011

Keelie Webb ...

You have to love it when your sister leaves behind pictures of art like this on your hard drive... This is one of my all-time favorites and I've seen a hundred, for sure.

Not Really Sure (Keelie Webb)

simple, fun, texture...good stuff by lil webb


This drawing has brought me great joy over the years as I have it on a handful of t-shirts... all the white ones were ones that I took from Keelie and pit-stained as undershirts...and the gray, blue, and green ones are mine out right. My favorite is the purple and red on white T with the neck cut out, also pit-stained by Right Guard Mountain Killer Deodorant.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Art Week Submission from Amy McKinley

This is one of my most favorite ladies in the world... and what a sweetie to submit something that I did, so now I don't have to paint a new one for ART WEEK. What a gem you are Amy!!! I call it... "Cactus in C Minor" ....FOLKS!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

'nother Kick Drum. By: Nole Drake

  Noah is for surely the most-refined artist of the group. He can draw pretty much anything...he draws funny pictures for us sometimes, we laugh at them. Sometimes he impersonates Chris Rock, but not anymore... sadly, he went all crazy and decided to shred "Oh Darling", sad part now...he killed the "Chris Rock" vocal chord. No more Chris Rock...

 BUT to cheer up the Beatmaster, he does the artwork for my kick head... so without further babbling... the final piece ...


  the Kick-Drum Father-Daughter Extravaganza Design City Team Experience!!!

I know we posted Elysia's earlier...but it's Art Week. ART WEEK!!!!


One of KO's newer things...Pretty Slick

"Smiley/Vampire/Heart of Hearts"

by: the lovely and talented Elysia Marie Heyman...ART WEEK!

Monday, May 09, 2011



Since we're playing in Columbus on Tuesday to help bust the stigma about mental illness...(the Artful EDUtainment show) we figured we could make it art week, cause we're the backseat boykies and we're pretty outrageous.

Here's a preview of what you might see...

-emotional paintings from an original Backseat Boykie, some call him KO...but this week we call him the artist formerly known as "Kevin de Ober-no-mayo". It's a texture thing!

-possibly a piece or two from Miss Haley Margaret Heyman. One that Kevin de Ahwww Boykie del Toro and I are really excited about... "The Self-Portrait"....    

-a kick drum head, artistically altered by a Miss Elysia Marie Heyman. Scholarship!

-maybe a sweet drawing by Noah Drake Heyman, provided he doesn't get sick of doing art-like things for me that include the New!!!! Kick head design con Hill.

-possibly a picture of Tony hating BBB Art Week, that will be the BeatMaster's contribution...

-IF YOU SEND ME A PICTURE or SOMETHING...IT CAN BE A PART OF ART WEEK. It will be greatly appreciated :)

Peace, Oldsmobiles, and Love!
 *your backseat boykies*
Kevin de La No-Mayo Por Favor Texturizo y C.Webb de la make fun of Kevin all day until he fills the backseat with boykie tears de jerko.

 P.S. We were going to call it Self Art Week...but we didn't want it coming out of people's mouths like "Sell Fart Week"...although if we did sell farts, we could always bum money off of Noah. :) That's Not Funny Cor-eeeee!!

it was...