
Monday, June 20, 2011


ajer Maerrr...!!!!!!!!

 SO YEAH....SHE'S PRETTY RAD HUH? zingerville usa!!!!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

"A Dream Realized" By: Chris Castle

ZINGER! Here's a piece by one of our favorite boykies in this whole wide world, Mr. Chris Castle...OH WAIT! He builds rock solid songs and he paints?! For sure, check out this video for "Seven Minutes Fast"... at 2:20 Andy Ruddock and Mr. Castle do a crazy thing with one of his paintings.  We're not quite sure if it was created by taking a whole bunch of pictures while Chris was drawing it, or if it was video taped while the drawing was taking place then edited to look like they were still frame shots. Pretty fantastic stuff either way...Thanks Boykcity!
We'd also like to make a note, look at baby backstreet boyk Tony Schaffer in the video and Evil BB bein' all crazy too, that's fun. Tony, this can count for your submission to Art Week, you were acting real good in this video, like a pizza guy... two thumbs up for The Tony Schaffer Acting/Real Life Some Guy Award.